Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bullying - October - Month of Bullying Prevention

October is the month of the Young Adolescent - and the month of National Bullying Prevention Month. Order a free bullying DVD for your school here:

October is Month of the Young Adolescent

October is Month of the Young Adolescent, an annual international collaborative effort of education, health, and youth-oriented organizations. Initiated by National Middle School Association (NMSA), Month of the Young Adolescent brings together a wide range of organizations to focus on the needs of this important age range, ages 10 to 15. The key messages for the celebration are

The importance of parents being knowledgeable about young adolescents and being actively involved in their lives;
The understanding that healthy bodies plus healthy minds equal healthy young adolescents;
The realization that the education young adolescents experience during this formative period of life will, in large measure, determine the future for all citizens; and
The knowledge that every young adolescent should have the opportunity to pursue his or her dreams and aspirations, and post-secondary education should be a possibility for all.

See more here: